Ground Beef Phosphorous and Protein Content

  • Journal List
  • Clin J Am Soc Nephrol
  • v.four(eight); 2009 Aug
  • PMC2723964

Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2009 Aug; 4(eight): 1370–1373.

Original Articles

Phosphorus and Potassium Content of Enhanced Meat and Poultry Products: Implications for Patients Who Receive Dialysis

Richard A. Sherman

Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Robert Woods Johnson Medical Schoolhouse, New Brunswick, New Jersey

Ojas Mehta

Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Bailiwick of jersey, Robert Woods Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey

Received 2009 April 28; Accepted 2009 Jun 3.

Supplementary Materials

[Printing Release]

GUID: F9B1D7E7-186C-4860-B422-C1C9EE85F6B8

GUID: 580EA2E3-97E0-449A-AB58-BA4DD5EF2FC3


Background and objectives: Uncooked meat and poultry products are normally enhanced past food processors using phosphate salts. The addition of potassium and phosphorus to these foods has been recognized only non quantified.

Blueprint, setting, participants, & measurements: Nosotros measured the phosphorus, potassium, and poly peptide content of 36 uncooked meat and poultry products: Phosphorus using the Clan of Analytical Communities (AOAC) official method 984.27, potassium using AOAC official method 985.01, and protein using AOAC official method 990.03.

Results: Products that reported the apply of additives had an average phosphate-protein ratio 28% college than additive gratuitous products; the content ranged upward to about 100% higher. Potassium content in foods with additives varied widely; additive free products all contained <387 mg/100 g, whereas five of the 25 products with additives contained at least 692 mg/100 g (maximum 930 mg/100 thousand). Most just not all foods with phosphate and potassium additives reported the additives (unquantified) on the labeling; eight of 25 enhanced products did not listing the additives. The results cannot be applied to other products. The composition of the food additives used by food processors may change over time.

Conclusions: Uncooked meat and poultry products that are enhanced may incorporate additives that increase phosphorus and potassium content by as much equally almost two- and three-fold, respectively; this modification may non exist discernible from inspection of the nutrient label.

The control of dietary phosphorus intake is the lynchpin in the successful control of hyperphosphatemia in dialysis patients (1). Other than limiting dairy products, efforts to reduce dietary phosphorus have been stymied by a belief that in that location is a close link between dietary poly peptide and dietary phosphorus that tin can result in protein malnutrition if phosphorus control were to become too strict (2–4). The increasing recognition that phosphorus-containing nutrient additives make up a significant portion of dietary phosphorus is changing this belief; clinicians are becoming more aware that efforts to limit dietary phosphorus can contribute substantially to serum phosphorus control without impairing protein intake (5–10).

One item source of dietary phosphorus that is achieving growing recognition in the literature and national press is that resulting from the so-called "enhancement" of fresh meat and poultry products (xi–13). This enhancement consists of the injection of a solution of water with sodium and potassium salts, especially phosphates, besides as antioxidants and flavorings into the meat by a machine during processing (11). Marinated and cured meats are besides considered enhanced when a similar process is used.

Despite the obvious problem for dialysis patients' ingesting such products, in that location is no requirement that their phosphorus or potassium content be included on the diet characterization (xiv,15), although this has been advocated (fourteen,xv). Furthermore, to our knowledge, at that place take been no published studies or other sources of data on potassium and phosphorus burdens imposed past fresh meat and poultry products that have been "enhanced." We therefore examined the potassium and phosphorus content in a diverseness of enhanced and regular meat and poultry products that are available in local retail stores.

Materials and Methods

Uncooked meat and poultry items were purchased at several local supermarkets. Products were arbitrarily chosen. A variety of products were sought, and an attempt was made to buy both enhanced and regular versions of the aforementioned product. A portion of each item was then repackaged in sealable plastic bags and coded. All nutrient labeling was saved. Basic were removed when nowadays earlier repackaging. The coded samples were and then transported to the laboratory for assay (New Jersey Feed Laboratory, Trenton, NJ). Laboratory technicians were blinded to all food labeling information. All samples were footing before analysis. Potassium was measured using the Clan of Belittling Communities (AOAC) official method 985.01. Phosphorus was measured using AOAC official method 984.27; both the potassium and phosphorus assays are inductively coupled plasma atomic spectroscopy procedures. Poly peptide was measured using the AOAC official method 990.03, the Dumas nitrogen combustion method, with the Elementar Americas Rapid-Due north apparatus (Elementar Americas, Mt. Laurel, NJ). A Perkin-Elmer model Optima 2000 DV equipped with a model AS 90 plus Autosampler was used (Perkin-Elmer, Waltham, MA). Sample weights were obtained with a Sartorius model U 4800P balance (Sartorius Corp., Edgewood, NY). All instruments were calibrated according to manufacturers' specifications. Samples from the laboratory were routinely analyzed for accuracy by the American Clan of Feed Control Officials and the American Oil Chemists Society.

For purposes of this investigation, we considered a meat or poultry product to be enhanced when this word was used on the bundle labeling (northward = 8) or when this word was omitted but other terms suggesting the presence of food additives were noted on the characterization (n = 17), such as "cured," "contains solution," and "natural flavorings." We termed other meat and poultry products with no evidence indicating the presence of food additives as a "regular" (or additive-free) item (n = xi).

Nosotros written report the potassium and phosphorus content as milligrams per 100 grams of production; however, for phosphorus, we also written report this content equally milligrams of phosphorus per gram of protein content; this is the mensurate generally used in the text. Because phosphorus content is closely tied to protein content, nosotros believe that this is a more useful ways of presenting these data; others agree (5,16).


Enhanced meat and poultry products (EMPP) had on average a phosphorus-protein ratio that was 28.iv% higher than that for regular products (Table i). The average potassium content in EMPP was 8.7% higher than for regular products. This difference in mean values obscures a marked variability in potassium content in EMPP. Whereas the highest potassium content in a regular product was 387 mg/100 g, the five enhanced products with the about potassium contained at least 692 mg/100 1000 (maximum 930 mg/100 g). Although some differences in phosphorus and potassium content of the enhanced and regular products may be due to the different foods in the ii groups, closer examination shows that nutrient additives are likely to be the predominant factor. Figure 1 shows the data for equivalent products. For example, an enhanced pork chop had 81% more phosphorus than a visually identical regular pork chop.

Table one.

Phosphorus, potassium, and poly peptide content in uncooked meat and poultry

Number Item Enhanced? Phosphate(mg/100 k) Protein(thousand/100 1000) Phosphorus-Protein Ratio(mg/g) Potassium(mg/100 chiliad)
one Bone-In Loin Center Cut Pork Chops Y 340 19.6 17.35 584
2 Kirkwood Ice Glazed Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts with Rib Meat Y 190 8.76 315
3 Kirkwood Ice Glazed Chicken Drumsticks Y 170 18 9.44 238
4 Kirkwood Ice Glazed Chicken Wings Y 120 17.five 6.86 170
5 Pork Boneless Loin Country Style Pork Ribs Y 230 20.i 11.44 671
half-dozen USDA Select Beefiness Boneless Loin Strip Steak Y 260 19.four thirteen.40 930
vii USDA Select Beef Boneless Chuck Roast Y 200 17.9 11.17 561
eight Granger Beefiness Filet of Sirloin Y 250 19.6 12.76 331
9 Appleton Center Slice Hardwood Smoked Ham Y 210 18.1 11.lx 255
x Granger Beef USDA Choice Beef T-Bone Steaks Y 240 nineteen.three 12.44 261
11 Boar's Head Naturally Smoked Sliced Salary Y 100 x.4 9.62 185
12 John Morrell Hardwood Smoked Salary Y 120 9.iv 12.77 164
13 Nature's Promise Uncured Hickory Smoked Bacon N 110 xi.8 9.32 246
14 Oscar Meyer Naturally Hardwood Smoked Bacon Y 150 11.two thirteen.39 205
15 Hormel Black Label Bacon Original Y 120 12.2 9.84 233
16 Stop & Store Fresh White Gem Craven All Natural Drumsticks Due north 170 xix.3 8.81 256
17 Stop & Store Tender & Flavorful Pork Loin Chops North 210 21.9 9.59 366
18 Stop & Store Tender & Flavorful Pork Loin Ribs N 210 21.8 9.63 387
19 Terminate & Shop Fresh White Jewel Chicken All Natural Boneless Skinless Breasts with Rib Meat N 220 25.6 8.59 364
20 Stop & Store Grilling & Humid Boneless Strip Steaks N 170 21.1 eight.06 311
21 Stop & Shop Grilling & Humid Beefiness Loin Top Sirloin Boneless Steaks N 180 21.2 viii.49 328
22 Stop & Shop Tender & Flavorful Pork Hocks Due north 160 xx.3 7.88 268
23 Shadybrook Farms All Natural Turkey Breast Cutlets Y 220 25.5 8.63 337
24 Terminate & Shop Craven Breast Boneless Cutlets North 220 26.vii 8.24 367
25 Perdue Oven Stuffer Fresh All Natural Roaster Drumsticks North 170 19.iv viii.76 273
26 Perdue Fresh All Natural Craven Wings N 140 18.two 7.69 217
27 Freirich Flavor Porkette Pork Shoulder Butt Y 210 17.four 12.07 232
28 Freirich Flavour Corned Beefiness Brisket Y 130 17.6 7.39 222
29 Smithfield Hardwood Smoked Ham Y 240 17.v 13.71 255
30 Hillshire Farm Polska Kielbasa (Made with Pork, Turkey, Beef) Y 170 eleven.3 fifteen.04 187
31 Hillshire Farm Beefiness Polska Kielbasa Y 150 12.4 12.10 197
32 Nebraska Meat Smoked Turkey Drums Y 200 22.4 viii.93 249
33 Nebraska Meat Smoked Pork Hocks Y 160 26.viii five.97 238
34 Pudgy Premium Young Turkey Y 260 24.1 x.79 310
35 Kirkwood Turkey Breast Roast Y 230 22.5 10.22 317
36 Tender Choice Boneless Sparse-Cutting Pork Chops Y 240 20.vii 11.59 714
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(A and B) Phosphorus-protein ratios (B) and potassium content (A) for enhanced and regular, matched food products. The numbers in parentheses on the abscissa refer to those in Tabular array 1. Two dissimilar nonenhanced craven drumstick products were analyzed.

Whether an EMPP listed specific additives on the ingredient label varied; sixteen of 25 such products did then. When these additives were specifically named, this data offered useful guidance as to the potassium and phosphorus content of the product. The 15 EMPP with specific labeling and no potassium additives had only 235 mg/100 g potassium, whereas the two products that specifically excluded phosphate salts had a phosphorus-protein ratio of simply 8.6 mg/g protein. EMPP with no specifics on the label had a wide range for both potassium (170 to 930 mg/100 m) and phosphorus (vi.86 to 17.35 mg/thousand protein) content. The presence of phosphorus on the ingredient characterization of an EMPP (n = fourteen) indicated a college boilerplate level of phosphorus (mean 11.6 mg/one thousand protein), but the range extended from 6 to 15 mg/1000 poly peptide.


The use of phosphorus-containing nutrient additives became widespread in the U.s. after a 1982 ruling by the Food Condom and Inspection Service of the U.s. Section of Agriculture allowed expanded use of these products. The term "enhanced" is sometimes limited to meat and poultry that is altered primarily for reasons other than flavour and that has other than "natural" ingredients. These enhanced products are required to study the specific additives used, although they are not quantified; nonetheless, a chicken breast marinated in seasoning or in a "natural" broth solution might contain added phosphorus but does non fall nether the narrow definition of an enhanced meat product. The more broadly divers EMPP by and large do non detail the chemical composition of the additives used.

Although much attention has been paid to the added sodium and phosphorus in processed foods, none has been paid to the added potassium. Our data bespeak that more attending is warranted. In some EMPP, little potassium seems to have been added (e.g., sirloin steak: product 8 [enhanced] versus product 21 [regular]), whereas in others, the amount of added potassium is hitting. The enhanced boneless loin strip steak (product 6) had 930 mg of potassium per 100 g, a level three-fold higher than a similar regular product (production 20). Thus, a 200-g portion would contain nearly ii g of potassium, most of a dialysis patient's daily restricted intake. A dialysis patient who eats this product would be at increased risk for the evolution of hyperkalemia; its origin would very likely be unrecognized.

The discordance between potassium and phosphorus content in these products is non surprising given the blessing (by the Us Department of Agronomics) of xi unlike phosphate salts for employ in meat and poultry products: half dozen are sodium salts, and five are potassium salts. These salts differ in their backdrop and serve different purposes in nutrient processing.

The bear upon of addition of phosphorus to EMPP is probable to be clinically significant, particularly then in view of the probability that phosphorus in nutrient additives is much better captivated than phosphorus that is contained in unprocessed foods (one,12). Increasing the clinical importance of this added phosphorus further is its disproportionate result on phosphorus folder requirements. Binders are required to remove only phosphorus that is not eliminated past dialysis; however, dialytic phosphorus removal is relatively fixed for a given plasma phosphorus concentration for standard thrice-weekly hemodialysis (although not with more frequent dialysis regimens) (17). Whatsoever additional dietary phosphorus will thus demand to be removed by binders. For example, with a dietary phosphorus of 8400 mg/wk (1200 mg/d), binders and dialysis are needed to eliminate 5040 mg/wk (assuming that threescore% of phosphorus is potentially captivated). If dialysis removes 3000 mg, so binders must remove 2040 mg. A rise in dietary phosphorus from 1200 to 1500 mg/d, a 25% increase, would increase phosphorus binding requirements by 62%. The increment in binder requirement would probably exist even greater because the calculation ignores any facilitated assimilation of phosphorus in the grade of additives.

We did non examine the effect of cooking on phosphorus or potassium content. Cooking is probable to alter theses results in an inconsistent way depending on the specific cooking method. Retail cost was also not formally compared for the products; however, producer costs for EMPP are clearly lower, a difference probable to be reflected in retail cost.

Avoiding phosphorus in uncooked meat and poultry products requires close attending to food labels. Although avoiding food that indicates added phosphorus salts will reduce dietary phosphorus burden (half dozen), additional restrictions are needed because not all EMPP list the salts used in processing. Information technology is too necessary to avert enhanced foods that may refer but to "added solution" or goop to minimize the risk for excessive unrecognized dietary phosphorus. Similar restrictions are needed to avoid potassium excess. The burden imposed on those who seek to limit dietary phosphorus and potassium could be ameliorated past more than complete nutrient labeling past manufacturers.

Supplementary Fabric


This report was supported past unrestricted educational grants from Dialysis Clinics, Inc., and Genzyme, Inc.


Published online ahead of print. Publication appointment bachelor at world wide

See related editorial, "Phosphorus Additives in Food and their Effect in Dialysis Patients," on pages 1290–1292.


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Articles from Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN are provided here courtesy of American Society of Nephrology


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